Thank you
I want to thank you personally for visiting Emerging Christians. I hope that you have been and will continue to be spiritually enriched, your situations resolved, your relationships restored, and your hope renewed through God's hand in this ministry. It is through your financial support that we are able to fund new projects for the growth and development in the community.
Please make your contributions through the following donate link below. We appreciate your prayers and your support as we support you in the work of the ministry. God bless you.
Thank you for your gift.
Please make your contributions through the following donate link below. We appreciate your prayers and your support as we support you in the work of the ministry. God bless you.
Thank you for your gift.
Cash App: $MeetCalvinSmith
Thank you for your support. We acknowledge your prayers, gifts, and encouragement as we pray and minister to you. I pray even as you give that God sees your giving and rewards you openly for what you do in private. God bless you.
Our Topics, Events, and Services
Our programs include: Domestic Violence Training for Clergy, Personnel Development in the Workplace, Marriage Enrichment Retreats, and the Relationship Master Class. If you would like more information in how you can participate in any of these please feel free to contact us (405)821-8182. Ask about scholarships that you may qualify for.